Sidney Ohio Has a Mexican Restaurant


In the tryptophan induced haze that follows the annual turkey gobbling I find myself thinking of things for which I am thankful.  Family, check.  Awesome wife, check.  Taco shops… taco shops… Oh HELL!  After driving 25 hours solid with wife and kid in tow to Sidney Ohio to visit my brother, his wife Mo, his daughter Scarlett, and my parents John & Nancy we came to the realization that there seems to be a dearth of Mexican restaurants (well, of restaurants in general) in the eye of the buckeye state.  There is one called Cazadores, the hunters, that I’d heard serves breakfast but only after noon. After the last few caucasoid restaurants I’d been to I was having a serious jones for some tacos, so the clan set out to track some down.

Taquito PlateWell, tacos we got.  I ordered the taquito plate, and got tacos but they were different.  They were deep fried, I’d have assumed they were flautas in Corpus.  There were no homemade tortillas, flour or corn, and in Tacotopia this would warrant disqualification but this is a different place. A place were you should be thankful to get a taco at all.  My wife TacoChica ordered the most tacoesque item served – the tacos al pastor, which were not too bad if you could get past the store bought corn tortillas. ‘The Kid’ didn’t even try the salsa on the table before asking for the hot stuff and was rewarded with salsa that he rated 4 out of 10 which is a damned sight better than what was on the table.

I’m not going to bother to give ratings because it wouldn’t be fair to compare with tacos in Corpus.  It’d be like Rush Limbaugh trying to keep up with Keith Richards – then again maybe he wouldn’t do too badly. And though also underwhelming compared to the magnificent thanksgiving spread my brother laid out yesterday I have to say that I’m thankful we got to have tacos today.  Fair Mexican food is better than no Mexican food.

Tacos Al Pastor

  • Heather Lynch - Guerrero says:

    Hardly no restaurants, don’t think I could make it in Ohio. What’s a woman to do when she is fed up with cooking and missing variety.

    What’s the deal the food has no coloring its all dull looking. Even the mater dont look like a mater

    Richards and Limbaugh. Only person I know who can combine both drug addicts in a blog about tacos.

    New word of the week children CAUCASOID.

    Is that your bro’s family in the signage pic?

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